As early as the 1990s, Jean Schoenen's working group from Belgium described that high-dose riboflavin, a B vitamin, can have a similar effectiveness in preventing migraines as beta-receptor blockers. A recent study from Australia also shows that vitamin B2 and folic acid can be used effectively to prevent migraines. The study examined 50 migraine patients. They received vitamin B2 and folic acid for six months. There was a significant improvement in headache frequency, pain severity and the accompanying symptoms of migraine.
Previous studies have shown that a specific gene called MYTHFR, which predisposes people to migraine attacks, leads to higher blood levels of the amino acid homocysteine.
The study's author, Prof. Lyn Griffiths, explained that the study was based on the assumption that vitamin B and folic acid reduce elevated homocysteine levels and can therefore also reduce migraine severity.
The results could mean that this very tolerable and safe, as well as cheap, therapy method can be helpful in preventing migraines. However, the results still need to be confirmed and substantiated in further studies.
As a chronic cluster headache and migraine patient, I am overjoyed to have tried it. After less than a week, I wake up in the morning without a headache and my cluster has gone away. I've only had it for 4 weeks, before that I had 2-3 attacks a day or at night.
My cluster was diagnosed in 2019. Chronic since 2021. Migraines in childhood. I always tried the usual medications for clusters, but quickly stopped them because of the side effects. I haven't taken anything since 2022 and although it was difficult, I endured it. Fortunately, we are self-employed and I can organize my working hours well otherwise I would have to stop working.
I will definitely advise anyone suffering from clusters and/or migraines to try this cheap and side-effect-free alternative.
I really hope that my current condition remains.
All the best from me to everyone who is sick.