NDR Visite – Adventure Diagnosis reports on a patient who had unclear and complex neurological symptoms with headaches for years. Among the 47 different subtypes of migraine, migraine with brainstem aura is often difficult to distinguish from other diseases. So-called brainstem symptoms such as dizziness (vertigo), hearing noises (tinnitus), bilateral sensory and motor disorders as well as the inability to speak (dysarthria), swallow (dysphagia) and double vision (diplopia) can occur. Corresponding symptoms are sometimes difficult to differentiate from transient ischemic attacks (TIA) or stroke.
Not easily recognized in everyday life are brainstem symptoms such as dizziness, tinnitus, bilateral sensory and motor disorders as well as dysarthria, dysphagia and diplopia. Corresponding symptoms can be observed in migraine with brainstem aura , and this form is sometimes difficult to distinguish from transient ischemic attacks (TIA). However, it helps to differentiate that patients with migraine with brainstem aura are usually in the second and third decades of life , there are no vascular risk factors , the headache in migraine with brainstem aura is severe , and the headache outlasts the neurological symptoms for a long time .
If the supply area of the basilar artery is affected, bilateral motor disorders can occur. In addition, visual disturbances may be present in both the temporal and basal visual fields of both eyes, as well as dysarthria, dizziness, hearing noise, hearing loss, diplopia, ataxia, bilateral sensory disturbances in the form of paresthesias, loss of consciousness and even coma. In individual cases, other symptoms have also been described, such as cerebellar disorders, tremor, nystagmus, retinal degeneration, deafness and ataxia.
In addition to the visual aura, migraine with brainstem aura a common expression of migraine aura in childhood In children, neurological disorders occur in the form of bilateral visual field disorders, loss of tone, nystagmus, double vision, dysarthria and impaired consciousness . Although the attacks usually occur at long intervals, they can last 24 to 72 hours. Particularly in the case of such accompanying neurological disorders, a careful examination by a neurologist necessary in childhood.
The following are particularly the differential diagnosis : a tumor in the posterior cranial fossa , medication side effects (e.g. antiemetics), mitochondrial disorders and metabolic diseases .
Details on the distinction between migraines and transient ischemic attacks (TIA) can be found here:
diagnostic criteria apply to migraine with brainstem aura :
Terms used previously
basilar artery migraine; basilar migraine; Basilar type migraine.
A migraine in which the aura symptoms are clearly attributable to the brainstem and there is no motor weakness.
Diagnostic criteria:
- Attacks that meet the criteria for 1.2 Migraine with aura and Criterion B below
- Aura in which both points below are met:
- At least 2 of the following fully reversible brainstem symptoms:
- Dysarthria1
- dizziness2
- Tinnitus
- Hearing loss3
- Double vision4
- Ataxia that is not due to a sensory deficit
- Impaired consciousness (GCS ≤13)5
- No motor 6 or retinal symptoms.
- At least 2 of the following fully reversible brainstem symptoms:
- Dysarthria should be differentiated from aphasia.
- Dizziness does not include drowsiness and must be distinguished from it.
- This criterion is not met if patients report a “feeling of fullness” in the ear.
- Diplopia does not include (or exclude) blurred vision.
- An assessment of the impaired consciousness according to the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) may have already been made upon admission; Alternatively, deficits clearly described by the patient allow GCS classification.
- If motor symptoms are present, the disease is coded under 1.2.3 hemiplegic migraine.
The terms basilar artery migraine or basilar migraine were originally used, but since involvement of the basilar artery is unlikely, the term migraine with brainstem aura should be preferred.
During most attacks, typical aura symptoms occur in addition to the brainstem symptoms. Many patients who have attacks with brainstem aura also report other attacks with typical aura. Here, both 1.2.1 Migraine with typical aura and 1.2.2 Migraine with brainstem aura should be coded.
Many of the symptoms listed under criterion B1 can be misinterpreted as they can also occur in conjunction with anxiety and hyperventilation.
The genetic predisposition with specific risk factors increases the individual's willingness to react with migraine attacks. The seizure itself is characterized by an episodic dysfunction of the brainstem in the area of the trigeminothalamic projections. The trigeminocervical complex is activated and modulates the nociceptive input from the extracerebral intracranial vessels and the dura mater. Muscular hyperpathy and allodynia as well as central sensitization arise from projections of the upper cervical nerves (C1, C2) into the spinal trigeminal nucleus. The release of neuroinflammatory neuropeptides and activation of neurotransmitters in the area of the extracerebral intracranial vessels and the dura mater results in vascular hyperpathy and allodynia with the development of the migraine headache phase. By inhibiting inflammatory neuropeptides, acute interventions during migraine attacks can therapeutically modulate symptoms. Preventive treatment measures aim to reduce sensitization in the trigeminocervical complex and to activate descending cortical pain control mechanisms.
It's nice to have family and friends who take these symptoms seriously. I've had these symptoms my whole life (I'm now 58 years old) and they've never taken me seriously, and no one has ever taken me to the hospital in my condition. “You're not breathing properly, you're iron deficient, you're not resilient, don't act so stupid, you're just playing it…”. For me, these attacks had been normal since childhood and I thought it was really my own fault because the pediatrician couldn't find anything. Later it was endometriosis, iron deficiency, typical woman hormones, etc. But I'm through it now.
It was only at the age of 56, after 3 car accidents, the attacks became more frequent without any warning, that I was taken seriously. Many clarifications followed. Now I'm seeing a neurologist, still trying to determine whether it's a migraine with brainstem aura or a type of epilepsy, because an epilepsy medication helps me a bit. In any case, the attacks are becoming fewer and I finally feel like I'm being taken seriously.
Now those around me finally believe me that I'm not imagining it or just acting it out and they're suddenly worried?
Impressive and very moving television report on NDR. Thank God there is the Kiel Pain Clinic.
Anyone who wants to understand that, I don't.
I certainly don't have a brainstem aura, but I've often wondered whether the pain in the back of the head - usually accompanied by dizziness and nausea - is also a migraine.
I have had migraine attacks of all intensity and frequency since I was a teenager and have now been having them for almost 60 years. Now I'm almost certain that's what it is and recently it's the brainstem nerves that are affected and not just the trigeminal nerve.
For a while I thought it might be due to spondyloarthrosis in the last cervical vertebral joint.
My neurologist said if the triptnae helped, it would be migraines.
So I tried triptans, which also work. I am now receiving the Ajovy injections and am hoping for a preventive effect (only for two months).
Best regards
Anna Schmitz