SWR2 Forum: Stinging, boring, pressing pain runs through the head; Dizziness, nausea and visual disturbances may follow. For some patients, a migraine attack is just a short nightmare, while for others it forces them out of everyday life and into darkened rooms for several days. Around 18 million people in Germany suffer from migraines. The patients include almost twice as many women as men and an increasing number of young adults. What are the causes of the thunderstorm in the head? What factors trigger a migraine and how can the symptoms be alleviated?

Discussing it:
Prof. Dr.
Hartmut Göbel, neurologist, medical director of the Kiel Pain Clinic Prof. Dr.
Robert Jütte, Head of the Institute for the History of Medicine at the Robert Bosch Foundation, Stuttgart Prof. Dr.
Peter Kropp, Director of the Institute for Medical Psychology and Medical Sociology, University of Rostock Discussion leader: Britta Fecke