The DGS practice guidelines are a project of the German Society for Pain Medicine eV (DGS) and the German Pain League eV (DSL).
The purpose is to provide a well-founded overview of the current state of medical-scientific research in all areas of pain medicine based on comprehensive research and analysis of the available scientific data as well as extensive experience of doctors working in pain and palliative medicine.
Their recommendations will implement new standards for patient-oriented pain medicine care at the highest level.
The process for creating a DGS practice guideline is clearly defined:
- An interdisciplinary team of specialists prepares the statements
- Statements are commented on
- The specialist team discusses the comments and changes the statements if necessary
- Statements are agreed upon
- Guideline is published
On behalf of the German Society for Pain Medicine eV (DGS), experts from the Kiel Pain Clinic with an interdisciplinary team from headache centers in Germany and the nationwide headache treatment network
DGS practice guideline “Primary headache disorders”
Developed. It is now available for comment at the following address:
The comprehensive guideline consists of 147 statements in 6 chapters on all important topics in headache therapy.
The guideline can now be further developed in the comment phase until March 31, 2014.
I am now 76 years old and have had migraines for about 47 years. I realize that I won't be able to get rid of migraines in this lifetime, but I have had enough experience to reduce the number and severity of the attacks through my behavior. For me, food and stress are the main triggers. When it comes to food, it's mainly the quickly available carbohydrates, eaten on an empty stomach, that cause me problems. This trigger probably doesn't apply to everyone, but it's worth giving it a try.