Welcome to Kiel Migraine, Headache and Pain Center

Pain can affect anyone. Although persons such as Paul the Apostle, Thomas Jefferson, Karl Marx and Marie Curie may have had very different worldviews, they did share one thing: chronic headache and pain. In particular, severe migraine and headaches are one of the most widespread ailments in the general public. Untreated pain destroys the lives of the affected persons. They may lose the ability to work, sleep, play with their children and function in relationships. Successful pain therapy can change this. However, neglected and inefficient treatment of pain is a silent epidemic. No one should have to suffer from unnecessary pain.

Patients often suffer from the fact that the cause of their pain cannot be found in common tests such as X-rays or blood tests. For the most common pain disorders, pain is caused by electrical or biochemical changes in the nerves, spinal cord or brain. This is known as the neurological aspect of chronic pain. Changes in behavior and living habits play an important role in the persistence of pain; this is called the behavioral aspect of pain disorders.

These processes often cannot be discovered with normal diagnostic methods in routine care; however, the pain is present and real. One of the greatest problems for persons suffering from pain disorders is finding a specialized facility for treatment. The result is frequent changes of doctors, hospital stays and rehabilitation programs without satisfactory pain relief. Uncontrolled self-medication and fruitless experiments with non-conventional alternative therapies are additional steps along the pathway of failed treatment.

Because of this unmet need, I founded the Kiel Migraine, Headache and Pain Center in 1997. Due to the high need for specialized migraine, headache and pain therapy, I developed the concept of a center exclusively for the needs of patients with chronic pain. Our objective was to apply all available knowledge regarding the treatment of chronic pain for highly-specialized care of patients with chronic pain. Our center offers highly specialized treatment programs for all variants of migraine, headache tension-type, cluster headache, headache associated with medication overuse, neuralgias, other complex headaches and pain attributed to disorders of the nervous system.

Since this concept was implemented in 1997, the Kiel Pain Center has offered outpatient and inpatient neurological and behavioral treatment for patients with chronic pain. The employees at the Kiel Pain Center are specialists in various medical and psychological disciplines. They work exclusively with the needs of patients with chronic pain, applying the latest scientific research in their treatment. We also perform research in the fields of neurological pain disorders, migraines, cluster headaches and other headaches. Our main areas of treatment include migraine and headache disorders, pain disorders of the musculoskeletal system, pain due to disorders of the peripheral and central nervous system and pain due to accidents with nerve injury. Our goal is to apply the latest international knowledge regarding the treatment of chronic pain directly to our treatments, allowing for highly-specialized care of patients with chronic pain.

The video shows impressions of patients treated in the Kiel Migraine, Headache and Pain Center. The spoken texts are authentic original contributions from blog posts, letters and acknowledgments from patients.