In June 2013, the International Headache Society (IHS) released the beta version of the 3rd edition of the International Headache Classification (ICHD-IIIβ). In recent years, numerous new findings on the diagnosis and classification of headache disorders have been scientifically developed and published. These findings have been incorporated into the new 3rd edition over the last three years. The current 3rd edition has been adapted very carefully and conservatively.
While the ICHD-I and ICHD-II were published directly, a so-called beta version is being published for the new edition. This is a test version that is initially intended to be tested for practical use. The main reason for this beta version is that the ICHD-III is to be synchronized with the 11th edition of the WHO classification (ICD-11).
The aim is to achieve direct congruence between the ICD-11 and the ICHD-III. A period of field testing is required for both classification systems. This period of time allows potential errors to be uncovered, usability and applicability to be analyzed, and these to finally be incorporated into the final version.
The ICD-11 will probably only be finalized in the next 3 years. Only then will the internationally valid diagnostic codes become available. These official codes will then also be integrated into ICHD-III.
The ICHD-III is available for download International Headache Classification website
Clinically active doctors and scientists should use the ICHD-IIIβ criteria from now on. The new headache classification contains numerous improvements and should now be used for both clinical care and scientific work.
Download: 3rd edition of the International Headache Classification (ICHD-IIIβ)
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