International Headache Society awards scholarship to Dr Sarkhan Amirguliyev, Danish Headache Center, Danmark

In the winter term 2021/2022, the new academic Master's program Master of Migraine and Headache Medicine will start at Kiel University. The course is organized on a part-time basis over four semesters. The lectures take place on weekends as well as in attendance weeks. The master's course conveys the latest developments in migraine and headache therapy. It follows an interdisciplinary approach with both theory and practice-oriented modules. The university course leads to the academic degree of a Master of Arts (MA) Migraine and Headache Medicine (MMHM). This is the first master's course on this subject area in German-speaking countries. It will also cover specific aspects of the local health systems.

The International Headache Society (IHS) will support one international student to attend the course. The IHS Executive and the IHS Juniors Group have now decided on the applications. They agreed to award the scholarship to Dr Sarkhan Amirguliyev, Danish Headache Center Glostrup Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

The Board of Studies of the Master of Migraine and Headache Medicine are pleased with the successful application and congratulate Dr Amirguliyev on this award.

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