What are the causes of head pain?

Head pain can have many reasons.
There are even over 367 types of head pain.
It is important to know the name of your head pain.

Is head pain always a symptom of another illness?

Many people think that if you fix the cause, the headache will go away.
This is not true for the most common types of head pain.
Head pain can be the illness itself.
They have no other reason.

Are migraines common?

Migraines are one of the most common types of head pain.
Migraines are the third most common human illness after tooth decay and tension-head pain.

Can the doctor eliminate the cause of the migraine?

Migraines are not caused by another medical condition.
It is an independent disease.
Looking for another reason won't help.
It is important to know how to recognize a migraine.
This is how you can quickly treat migraines.

What do I need to know about migraines?

Here you can find out:
- How do you recognize a migraine
- What does a migraine attack feel like
- What is the reason for a migraine
- What happens in my head when I have a migraine
- How do I find a migraine doctor
- What can I do myself against migraines
– What medications are there for migraine head pain
– What medications are there to prevent migraines

How do I recognize a migraine?

Migraine is determined by the head pain characteristics.
Migraines occur in attacks.
The attacks last 4 – 72 hours.
Head pain can occur on one side of the head.
The head pain can throb and throb.
Some feel their heartbeat in their head.
The pain may be so severe that you can no longer work.
If you climb or walk stairs, the pain may get worse.

What are the accompanying features of migraine head pain?

The pain may be accompanied by nausea.
The pain may be accompanied by vomiting.
The pain can be accompanied by hypersensitivity to light.
The pain can be accompanied by hypersensitivity to noise.
The pain can be accompanied by hypersensitivity to smell.

How does the doctor diagnose migraines?

The doctor asks how the head pain is going.
He's examining you.
If the head pain occurs as described above and the examination is OK, he knows that you have a migraine.
Further examinations are then not necessary.

Why do I get migraines?

Migraines are inherited.
You retain your genetic makeup throughout your life.
Migraines require an active brain.
Women suffer from migraines about 3 times more often than men.
After the age of 70, migraines subside.

What happens in the head when you have a migraine?

The brain works particularly quickly thanks to its genetic makeup.
The head thinks a lot.
The head is constantly thinking.
The head takes in everything very quickly.
The head feels very intensely.

Do you also have migraines outside of the attacks?

The migraine is always there.
You don't just have a migraine during a headache attack.
You also have migraines between attacks.
Migraines can then have benefits.
You often have lots of good ideas.
You are often very sensitive to feelings.
You have a fast brain.

What co-morbidities can accompany migraines?

But there are also some stresses:
you have a lot of fears.
You ponder what happened.
You worry about what could happen.
This can often make you sad.

How does the brain react to migraines?

Constant thinking and deep feeling can strain the brain.
The nerve cells become exhausted.
You can no longer work properly.
The brain tries to get more energy.
It wants to bring in more nutrients and expands the veins.
It also releases inflammatory substances.
But that makes the veins sensitive to pain.
This means you can feel every pulse beat in your head.
Every shock in the head hurts now.
So they lie down.
If possible, don't move.

How long does a migraine attack last?

A migraine attack can last up to 3 days.
There are also attacks that last longer.

What is a migraine aura?

Some migraine attacks cause visual disturbances.
It flickers and flickers before your eyes.
The visual disturbances slowly spread.
They usually last 30 to 60 minutes.
Then the head pain begins.
Some also feel tingling, dizziness, speech problems, weakness, hearing problems.
This is called migraine aura.

How do I find a migraine doctor?

Migraines originate in the brain.
Neurologists treat migraines.
Pain therapists can also help with migraines.
Experts can be found using this link

What can you do yourself against migraines?

Anything too fast, anything too many, anything too irregular exhausts the brain.
Therefore, pay attention to regularity in everyday life.
Don't do everything 180 percent.
Just under 100 percent is enough.
Get up at the same times.
Go to bed at the same time.
Make sure you sleep regularly.
Pay attention to breaks in everyday life.

How should you eat if you have a migraine?

Eat at regular times.
Eat regularly.
Eat slowly and calmly.
Don't skip breakfast under any circumstances.
Take time for a hearty breakfast.
Eat whole grains, oatmeal, muesli, potatoes or rice for breakfast.
Eat a warm breakfast if possible.
Drink enough, approx. 2-3 liters per day.
Limit coffee or tea to 4 cups a day.
Eat lunch and dinner regularly.
Eat primarily carbohydrates: These are foods that grow in the field, do not come from the factory and are not wrapped in plastic.

Can exercise help against migraines?

Do regular light endurance sports in the fresh air.
Do what you enjoy.
Examples include running, cycling, swimming, walking.

Can relaxation help against migraines?

Learn relaxation training.
Relaxation training can help effectively.
Muscle relaxation according to Jacobson is well suited.
Instructions can be found in the free migraine app in your app store .

What helps against migraine pain?

There are three options:
-Medication for nausea and vomiting.
-Remedies that act against pain.
-Remedies specifically designed for migraine pain.
Consult your doctor for advice.

Which remedies help against nausea and vomiting with migraines?

-Metoclopramide (only with prescription)
-Domperidone (only with prescription)
-Dimenhydrinate (without prescription)

Which painkillers can help with migraines?

Examples are:
-Aspirin (without a prescription)
-Ibuprofen (without a prescription)
-Paracetamol (without a prescription)
-Novaminsulfone (only with a prescription)
-Diclofenac potassium (only with a prescription)
Make sure you use a sufficient dosage.
Take the medication early in the attack.
Swallow the medication with a glass of water.

What special remedies are there for migraine pain?

Triptans are special remedies for migraines.
There are 7 different triptans.
They are available as tablets, melted tablets, nasal sprays and pre-filled syringes.

Which triptans help against migraines?

The following triptans are effective for migraines:
Some are only available with a prescription, 3 are also available in the pharmacy without a prescription:
-Almotriptan (without and with a prescription)
-Eletriptan (with a prescription)
-Frovatriptan (with a prescription)
-Naratriptan (without and with Prescription)
-Rizatriptan (with prescription)
-Sumatriptan (without and with prescription)
-Zolmitriptan (with prescription)
Get advice from your doctor.

What newer special migraine remedies are there?

-Lasmiditan is a new migraine medication.
-Gepante will also be available soon.
Get advice from your doctor.

What rules should you follow when taking migraine medication?

Take pain and migraine medications less than 10 days a month.
If you take it more often, migraine attacks may increase.
The resources then no longer help as much. A constant headache can occur. This headache is called medication overuse headache (MOC).
With this type of head pain, preventive measures against migraines no longer help. It must therefore be avoided.
Seek medical advice if you need migraine head pain medication for more than 10 days.

What medications are there to prevent migraine attacks?

If you have frequent or severe migraine attacks, your doctor may prescribe medication to prevent them.
These are intended to help reduce the number of migraine days.
Then you don't have to take medication for migraine attacks so often.
These should be used on fewer than 10 days per month. Preventative medications, on the other hand, are taken daily as tablets.
There are also preventive agents that are injected under the skin at regular intervals or given as an infusion.

What medications are there to prevent migraine attacks?

-Botulinum toxin
They are only available with a prescription.
Get medical advice.

How can I better control the progression of migraines?

Use the migraine app. get these for free without a prescription here .
It helps you and the doctor to keep a close eye on the progression of the migraine.
You can see how well the treatment is working.
You will have ongoing monitoring of how often you take medication.
The migraine app informs you if you need headache medication for more than 10 days per month.
It gives you all the important information about migraines.
She practices relaxation techniques with you.

Where can I exchange ideas with other affected people?

You can find a digital self-help group
at www.headbook.de There you can ask questions and get answers. also find a digital self-help group on Facebook that will answer your questions around the clock.