Invitation to a public information event for those affected and their relatives

New developments in migraine and headache therapy

as part of the continuing education course Migraine and Headache Medicine at the University of Kiel

Friday, March 17, 2023 at 7:00 p.m

Lecture hall Old Children's Clinic, UKSH, Kiel Campus

Schwanenweg 20, 24105 Kiel

As part of the master's degree program "Master of Migraine and Headache Medicine", the Center for Scientific Continuing Education at Kiel University invites you to a public lecture event for patients, relatives and interested parties. Experts report on new developments in migraine and headache therapy. This will be followed by a panel discussion with executive board members from nationwide self-help groups on the topic.

The treatment of headaches has developed into one of the most successful and fascinating fields of medicine in recent years. Many causes of headaches have been revealed. The mechanisms that maintain and aggravate headaches are more fully understood. Headaches can now be classified and diagnosed very precisely. Today there are 367 main types of headaches. Most types of headache can be treated precisely and in a specialized manner. In the case of the widespread forms of headache, especially migraine and tension-type headache, prevention through behavioral adjustment, knowledge and information plays a crucial role. Without knowledge of the background that causes, maintains and complicates headaches, successful and sustainable headache treatment is not possible. But new and innovative medications are also available to headache patients today. However, contemporary and modern knowledge must also be made directly available to those affected. In recent years, completely new ways have been implemented to ensure that patients with headaches can be cared for in the future and in a contemporary manner.

Anyone interested is cordially invited to the free lecture event in the lecture hall.

Alternatively, you can also participate online:

Download the invitation

See also further information about the course of study


Time Theme Speakers
19.00 Welcome and keynote speeches  
  Migraine therapy Prof. Dr. Hartmut Göbel
  Tension-type headache Dr. Axel Heinze
  Medication overuse headache Dr. Katja Heinze Kuhn
  Cluster headache Priv.-Doz. Dr. Carl Göbel
  Psychological therapy procedures Dipl.-Psych. Anneke Nielson

Panel discussion with speakers, representatives of self-help groups, questions from the audience




Ms. Baker, Migraine League

Ms. Frank,

Mr. Terhaag, cluster headache self-help groups

Ms. Frisch, ZIES