Successful against headaches and migraines 8 edition 2016

8th edition 2016, XVIII, 431 p. 162 illustrations, 106 illustrations in color

From the foreword to the 8th edition 2016:
The treatment of headaches has developed into one of the most successful and fascinating fields of medicine in recent years.
Many causes of headaches have been revealed. The mechanisms that maintain and aggravate headaches are more fully understood. Headaches can now be classified and diagnosed very precisely. In 2013, the 3rd edition of the international headache classification was published. It already distinguishes over 367 main types of headaches. This is useful because most types of headache can be treated very precisely and in a highly specialized manner. In the case of the widespread forms of headache, especially migraine and tension-type headache, prevention through behavioral adjustment, knowledge and information plays a crucial role.
Without knowledge of the background that causes, maintains and complicates headaches, successful and sustainable headache treatment is not possible. But new and innovative medications are also available to headache patients today. If used specifically, these can also contribute to a significant improvement in headaches. However, contemporary and modern knowledge must also be made directly available to those affected.
In recent years, completely new ideas have emerged as to how patients with headaches can be cared for in the future and in a contemporary manner. New care structures, such as the nationwide headache treatment network, were developed. These enable current knowledge to be made available quickly for better and more sustainable treatment of those affected. When it comes to coordinated care, networking and interdisciplinary collaboration are essential foundations for success.
Health insurance companies and health policymakers have placed the importance of headaches at the center of their activities. New networked organizational structures were built to relieve pain and reduce costs for those affected. A great deal of power in improving care also comes from the patients themselves.
They exchange ideas in self-help groups and internet forums and are committed to better care for migraines and headaches. All of this has meant that headaches and migraines can now be treated more successfully than ever before in human history. The completely revised 8th edition reflects the diverse new developments in the entire field of migraine and headache therapy.
A variety of new diagnoses in the current headache classification are explained. The new developments on the topic of chronic migraines and medication overuse headaches are taken into account. These have a significant impact on the diagnosis and treatment of these particularly disabling forms of headache. Neurotoxin treatment and neuromodulation have established themselves in recent years as important components of modern headache and migraine therapy and the current status is conveyed. The text has been updated throughout and new figures and tables have been added.
The new edition is intended to help ensure that research results can be implemented directly into care. Knowledge and information can contribute to a lasting improvement in migraines and headaches. I wish all readers insightful insights into the fascinating processes of the human nervous system as well as successful prevention and active management of migraines and headaches. Prof. Dr. Hartmut Göbel

To this book

▶ In this current 8th edition of the classic book about headaches and migraines, the renowned headache expert Professor Dr. Hartmut Göbel on the forms and causes of headaches and migraines as well as on modern diagnostic options and therapeutic methods, including alternative treatment methods.
▶ In addition, those affected receive important information and tips for self-help and prevention.
▶ This includes, among other things, numerous addresses of self-help groups and clinics, tips on how to take medication correctly and information about valuable service pages on the Internet.
▶ Practical tips and information to prevent headaches and migraines
▶ Plus: checklists, questionnaires, headache calendars and
▶ Addresses of self-help groups and clinics

From the table of contents

1. You don't have to just accept a headache.- 2. How pain occurs.- 3. Headache frequency and consequences.- 4. How to make the correct headache diagnosis.- 5. Coordinated integrated care and networking.- 6. Migraine.- 7. Tension-type headache.- 8. Medication overuse headache.- 9. Cluster headaches.- 10. Various forms of headache without structural changes in the nervous system.- 11. Secondary headaches.- 12. Unconventional treatment methods.- 13. Service section: information and addresses.

Download product flyer Hartmut Göbel Successful against headaches and migraines 8 edition 2016 ISBN 978-3-662-50492-5

8th edition 2016, XVIII, 431 p. 162 illustrations, 106 illustrations in color.
Print edition
retail price
▶ *24.99 € (D) |
€25.69 (A) | CHF 26.00 Available at
▶ Amazon
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Süddeutsche Zeitung writes about the third edition.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung : “The research and treatment of headaches, long neglected by medicine, has now developed into a major, central health issue. Hartmut Göbel draws this conclusion in his popular book about headaches and their treatment, which has now been published in a new, completely revised edition. The author runs the Kiel Pain Clinic, a facility that has set standards in neurobehavioral medicine therapy for pain patients. One of his most important concerns is to provide extensive knowledge about the causes and treatment options for the condition, because only informed patients can ask qualified questions during the consultation. The reader is informed in detail about the individual forms of headaches and receives information on treatment, which by no means has to be limited to medication. In a separate chapter, Göbel presents unconventional treatment procedures including the injection of spider venom, striving to provide an unbiased but critical assessment. Last but not least, a checklist that enables the patient to judge whether the doctor they are seeing is competent is likely to prove helpful. A large service section with addresses, practical tips, the “Kiel Headache Questionnaire” and a description of the most important medications rounds off the headache book, which is already one of the classics.”

Review Neuro Current

Self-help for headaches and migraines

Successful against headaches and migraines - every neurologist/neurologist should have read this excellent guide, which is initially intended for those affected. In March of this year, the 6th edition of this will be published, initially for those affected, by the well-known headache therapist and head physician at the Kiel Pain Clinic, Prof. Dr. med. Dipl. Psych. H. Göbel wrote the work.

Those affected are carefully and extensively informed about the types and causes, modern diagnostic options, behavioral strategies for prevention, modern medications and alternative treatment methods - always under the motto: “You don’t have to accept headaches!” As the author emphasizes, the many new developments in headache and especially migraine therapy made this 6th edition necessary. In recent years, completely new ideas have emerged as to how headache patients can be cared for in a contemporary manner. Self-help groups and internet forums are now pushing hard to improve the care of these sick people. This is one of the reasons why headaches and migraines can now be treated more successfully than ever before in human history.

A service section lists headache medication, headache specialists, options for inpatient headache therapy, psychotherapy for headaches, audio recordings for relaxation training, addresses, tips for organizing self-help group meetings and service material for pain documentation.

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