Are you female, suffer from headaches and are between your first and last period (between menarche and menopause), i.e. before menopause? Then you are cordially invited to take part in this scientific study.
Headaches/migraines and period pain are common complaints that can affect women's quality of life. Women often suffer from both symptoms, sometimes several times during a month and often at the same time. The extent to which these are related and influence each other has been little researched.
In this study, we are investigating how many women have headaches and period pain, to what extent these are related to headaches and whether they influence the other therapy. You are therefore also invited to take part in this study if you only have headaches and no period pain.
Answering the following questions should not take longer than 20 minutes. The survey is anonymous. It is therefore not possible to draw any conclusions about you personally. The approval of the Ethics Committee of the University of Lübeck has been given for the implementation of this study.
We would like to point out that due to the anonymous storage of the data, it is not possible to revoke participation or delete the data.
You can take part in the study using the following link:
We thank you for participating in the study.
Kind regards and thank you very much
PD Dr.
Anna Cirkel Dr.
Christoph Cirkel Prof. Dr.
Achim Rody Prof. Dr.
Norbert Brüggemann PD Dr.
Carl Göbel Prof. Dr. Hartmut Göbel
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