Find regional pain specialists nationwide here

Headaches are the number one widespread disease. Many patients experience a years-long odyssey from doctor to doctor. A key concern of patients with chronic pain disorders is the regional search for specialized local doctors who are committed to the field of pain therapy. The Kiel Pain Clinic has developed this internet search with a map of Germany for a quick, nationwide network partner search.

In our expert network, a network of pain specialists from the outpatient and inpatient sectors work together as part of coordinated care to relieve pain in a sustainable, cross-disciplinary and cross-sector manner using contemporary methods, hand in hand and in an optimally coordinated manner. The treatment network is geared towards the specialized, interdisciplinary care of severely affected patients with severe chronic headache diseases, such as

  • Severe and frequent migraines,
  • Chronic tension-type headaches,
  • Cluster headache,
  • headaches due to medication overuse,
  • post-traumatic headaches,
  • Other symptomatic headaches,
  • neuralgia,
  • Headaches with complex comorbidities,
  • Rare forms of headache with severe suffering etc.

Your local doctor will decide with you based on the examination findings whether the treatment program is suitable for you and your illness. Talk to him about it. He will help you decide. In cases of doubt, your doctor can clarify the admission decision via the Kiel Pain Clinic's network management telephone, telephone number 0431-20099120. Further detailed information can be found here .

If your doctor determines with you that the treatment program is the right path for you, you can participate in the program if you are a member of one of the participating health insurance companies that have joined the contract. You only realize how much health insurance is worth when you actually need it. It depends on their performance. Health insurance companies that are committed to modern care for their insured persons proactively provide modern, coordinated care, especially for chronic and complex pain disorders, as an alternative to traditional standard care and off-the-shelf treatment. Bureaucratic hurdles are removed in favor of a goal-oriented treatment organization that is clearly regulated for everyone involved. Numerous health insurance companies have therefore agreed on integrated care for their insured persons with our treatment network beyond the traditional standard care. Details and information about whether your health insurance company is a contractual partner can be found at

For a quick search, simply enter your zip code and city (e.g. 24149 Kiel) in the area search. All addresses that are within the selected radius of the entered location are displayed. The individual addresses are also listed below the map. There you can find the individual information clearly.

To increase the scale of the map, simply click on the map. This will be zoomed. This means you can also differentiate between several addresses per location that would otherwise overlap.

Hover your cursor over the pins to see the address details and get more information.

Click on the map and move the map section while keeping the mouse pointer pressed. Use the route planner to find your way straight away.

and city here


Specialists Experts Headache Migraine expert specialist Migraine headache