The Barmer Replacement Fund is one of the two largest health insurance companies in Germany, with around 9.4 million insured people. With effect from January 1, 2018, the Barmer Replacement Fund is a party to the contract for integrated care for migraines, headaches and facial pain, cranial neuralgia and neuropathic pain (IV-K) in accordance with Section 140 a SGB V between the Kiel Pain Clinic and the Techniker Krankenkasse ( TK) joined. This means that those insured by the Barmer Replacement Fund have access to an innovative, nationwide headache treatment network.

The contract represents a milestone for the care of migraine and headache patients. For the first time, it enables nationwide, cross-sector and cross-disciplinary networking of outpatient and inpatient therapy. Care hand in hand, more knowledge, better exchange of information between everyone involved and joint work using clearly defined treatment paths are the basis for contemporary and efficient treatment results.

  • The supply processes are significantly improved. The patient benefit is the focus of networking:
  • Orientation of the service offering to the needs of the patients
  • optimized treatment based on the latest scientific standards
  • cross-sector, specialized treatment paths
  • immediate implementation of international scientific findings for care
  • organized treatment chain
  • ongoing evaluation
  • Nationwide follow-up care for patients who live away from home through video consultations
  • Exchange of those affected through the digital self-help communities

Patient satisfaction with integrated care in the nationwide headache treatment network is very high. The scientific evaluation shows: Pain is sustainably relieved, quality of life is restored, ability to work is restored and costs are reduced. The network has received several awards, including being recognized as the best implementation of integrated care nationwide.

Care in the nationwide migraine and headache network

Migraines and other chronic headaches affect 54 million people in Germany. They are among the ten most severely disabling conditions and among the three most expensive neurological diseases. In order to overcome the chronic sectoral walls and medical professional boundaries, the nationwide headache treatment network was initiated. It represents a milestone for the care of headache patients. For the first time, it enables nationwide cross-sector and interdisciplinary networking of outpatient and inpatient therapy. Care hand in hand, more knowledge, better exchange of information between everyone involved and joint work using clearly defined treatment paths are the basis for contemporary and efficient treatment results.
The treatment network is geared towards the specialized care of severely affected patients with chronic headache disorders. It includes all serious and complex primary and secondary headache disorders as well as head and facial neuralgia. It focuses on additional serious and complex comorbidities, such as medication overuse, medication intolerance, psychological and social complications, and organ damage.
A nationwide network of outpatient and inpatient pain therapists in practices and clinics work hand in hand to optimally relieve pain across disciplines and sectors using contemporary methods. For illnesses that are refractory to therapy, highly intensive supra-regional and interdisciplinary inpatient treatment can be provided at the Kiel Pain Clinic. For the first time, the concept offers nationwide coordinated treatment without restrictions by professional boundaries and bureaucratic remuneration sectors.
More details Information about the treatment process can be found here.

Integrated connected care consists of three phases:

  • Phase I: Specialized diagnostics, selection of cross-sector treatment paths, on-site treatment
  • Phase II: Full inpatient cross-sector neurological-behavioral medical treatment in the Kiel Pain Clinic
  • Phase III: Outpatient progress and success control, cross-sector monitoring of the therapy progress on site


Phase I

The pain disorder is diagnosed and the treatment process is planned in a coordinated manner. The measures include:

  • Standardized anamnesis and evaluation of external findings
  • Pain analysis
  • Clarification of the diagnosis
  • Setting up a therapy plan
  • If the admission criteria are met, register for inpatient treatment as part of Phase II
  • An admission conference with the referring doctor decides on admission


Phase II

In this section, the cross-sector neurobehavioral medical treatment takes place on a fully inpatient basis in the Kiel Pain Clinic, with the integrated therapeutic procedures being used in a coordinated manner at the same time.

  • Clarification, updating and supplementation of neurological and behavioral medicine diagnostics (multiprofessional individual case diagnostics)
  • Analysis of the biological, psychosocial and economic conditions of pain illness
  • Reduction of pain-induced disability.
  • Improving future performance
  • Specific diagnosis and treatment of psychological and social illness conditions and their effects on the experience of illness
  • Advice on individual pain disorders, mechanisms of development, drug and non-drug treatment methods for self-control and self-treatment of pain disorders
  • Advice on questions about remaining performance at work and possibly initiation of career-promoting measures
  • Offering a multidimensional inpatient treatment concept that combines medication and non-medication strategies, among other things
    • Recognizing and avoiding triggering and reinforcing mechanisms
    • Medication break, withdrawal
    • Diet change
    • Relaxation procedures, e.g. B. progressive muscle relaxation
    • Biofeedback procedure
    • Stress management training
    • Operant and cognitive processes
    • Self-confidence training
    • physiotherapy
    • Physical therapy methods
    • Stimulus procedure
    • medication-based pain prophylaxis
    • drug attack therapy etc.
  • Offering individual and group therapeutic, behavioral medicine treatment concepts to manage acute and chronic pain conditions
  • Everyday behavioral medical and sociotherapeutic measures for reintegration into family and work
  • Development of aftercare and long-term concepts hand in hand with the pre- and post-care doctor for further outpatient treatment


Phase III

Over a period of one year after enrollment in the integrated care program, an outpatient progress and success check is carried out at regular intervals and the therapy is adapted to the individual.

  • Standardized recording of therapy effectiveness every three months
  • If necessary, short-term hospital readmission
  • Patient seminars on coping with illness
  • Cross-sector training for participating doctors, psychologists, etc.


How can I participate?

Further information about the treatment process

You can find detailed information about the treatment process on our website Homepage and in ours Clinic information brochure
Further individual information about inpatient admission can be obtained by email or obtained via the central management telephone. Please be so kind as to inform yourself in detail about the general formalities here on our homepage. In the Internet age, we do not send brochures and documents by post.
Phone: 0431-20099120
Fax: 0431-20099129
iv-netz@ pain

Outpatient pre- and post-treatment

The registration for outpatient pre- and post-treatment as well as to the outpatient follow-up examinations in our headache center as part of integrated care is possible via:
Phone: 0431-20099400
Fax: 0431-20099409
praxis@ pain

What you should bring with you to the consultation

Please compile the following documents for outpatient treatment and bring prepared copies of all documents for your stay with us to your appointment:

The supply needs

Migraines and chronic headaches affect around 54 million people in Germany and are the No. 1 widespread disease. According to the WHO, they are the third most severely disabling suffering affecting humanity. According to the EU, they are among the three most expensive neurological diseases. Nationwide, more than three billion individual doses of painkillers are taken every year, 85% of them for headaches.
The treatment of headaches is an example of how the healthcare system, which is fragmented into sectors and based on collective agreements, can lead to illnesses becoming chronic and pain persisting over the long term. Traditional standard care for headache patients takes place in separate sectors of the health system. Many sufferers of chronic headaches self-medicate outside of the professional system due to inefficiency. Find out about the various treatment options for migraines and headaches from friends, the popular press, on the Internet and in the pharmacy. Due to unsatisfactory treatment in the medical field, they often abandon professional therapy and, disappointed, resort to outsider methods. Over months and years, the headache disorder becomes further chronic, serious organ complications and the resulting, often severely disabling, psychological consequences lead the patient back to expensive medical treatment.
This results in very high direct and indirect costs. The individual consequences are serious. High follow-up costs also arise from the treatment of late complications in the form of mental illnesses, kidney failure, liver damage, gastrointestinal ulcers and damage to the cardiovascular system.
The entire knowledge that has been developed nationally and internationally for the care of migraines, headaches and chronic pain is made directly available to patients through integrated care for standard care. The collaboration between innovative health insurance companies and specialists has enabled significant progress in care nationwide beyond standard care. These will be maintained and expanded.

The Kiel Pain Clinic

The Kiel Pain Clinic was founded as a scientific model project in 1997 from the Kiel University Hospital by Prof. Dr. Hartmut Göbel was founded and initially supported contractually by the AOK. After a successful scientific evaluation by the health insurance companies, the Techniker Krankenkasse adapted the concept for nationwide care from 2007 and created an innovative treatment network with over 450 pain therapists practicing nationwide. The approximately 50 member funds of the BKK NORDWEST regional association are also contractual partners. Today, the nationwide center works with coordinated treatment plans and regional pain therapists in practices and clinics as part of multimodal pain therapy.

In order to provide sustainable care for all patients, it was included in the hospital plan of the state of Schleswig-Holstein at the end of 2013. In addition, in accordance with the care contract in accordance with Sections 108 No. 3, 109 SGB V, the center provides acute, fully inpatient treatment (Section 39 Paragraph 1 SGB V) for the following indications for insured persons of all health insurance companies living outside Schleswig-Holstein for the following indications: chronic pain in diseases of the central , peripheral and autonomic nervous system including the muscles as part of neurobehavioral medical treatment procedures.
