Migraines and headaches:

Through sensitivity to tension for relaxation as therapy

Prof. Dr. H. Göbel

Contemporary therapy for migraines, headaches and other pain disorders is not only based on medication but also includes behavioral medicine treatment methods. Numerous scientific studies prove the effectiveness of special relaxation procedures, such as progressive muscle relaxation, especially in the prevention of headaches, migraines, back pain, fibromyalgia, nerve pain, stress reactions and other diseases. The relaxation media presented here were developed by Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.-Psych. Hartmut Göbel, specialist in neurology, special pain therapy, Master of Migraine and Headache Medicine, psychotherapy, qualified psychologist, developed for therapeutic purposes. The production was fully digitalized using the most modern processes, incorporating professional language and music technology. The application is very simple. All you need is a PC, tablet or smartphone with speakers or headphones. The instructions are conveyed directly via the relaxation media. This means everyone can train actively and independently straight away. Without appointments and waiting rooms, you can relax deeply at any time and improve your performance and quality of life. Your family members will also be thrilled by your regained balance, which will quickly be passed on to others. Below we present four different procedures for adults. In addition, you will find a procedure that was developed specifically for children. Listening samples give you an impression of the special quality of the original recordings. You can get unlimited access to all media by booking a subscription. Instructions can be found at the end of this page.



Progressive muscle relaxation. The professional classic relaxation training. This method is favored among classic relaxation training for headaches, especially migraines, as it is the easiest to learn and has also proven to be the most effective. The procedure is based on an active perception of tension and relaxation in the muscles and enables you to actively bring about the deepest possible relaxation in the body, but also in your experience. The practitioner should actively concentrate on the tension and relaxation that he creates himself and thereby perceive the differences between these two phases, so that a direct experience of tension results and the tension can be positively influenced. It is then possible for tension to be detected in good time and a countermeasure can be initiated. This relaxation medium provides a form of classic relaxation training specifically designed for pain treatment. The procedure has been extensively clinically tested.

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Progressive muscle relaxation for children. The professional classic relaxation training for kids. This method is favored among classic relaxation training for headaches, especially migraines, as it is the easiest to learn and has also proven to be the most effective. The senior qualified psychologist Anneke Nielson and the chief physician of the Kiel Pain Clinic Prof. Dr. med. Dipl.-Psych. Hartmut Göbel have developed this new, contemporary version for the treatment of children up to the age of 14. Also included is a mind journey for relaxation. The procedure is based on an active perception of tension and relaxation in the muscles and enables you to actively bring about the deepest possible relaxation in the body, but also in your experience. A form of classic relaxation training specifically designed for use by children and young people is provided here. The procedure has been extensively clinically tested with the participation of children and young people. “Progressive muscle relaxation” is a word that sounds a bit complicated at first, but behind it lies a really simple method: “progressive” means something like “progressive” and “muscle relaxation” is another word for “muscle relaxation”, ie, it So it’s about “progressive muscle relaxation”. With this type of relaxation, individual important muscle parts of the body are gradually relaxed. This is done by first tensing these exact muscles for a brief moment and then letting them relax completely.

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Mental relaxation. Just listen, relax deeply and feel good. With this newly developed relaxation training, the results of current scientific studies on the development of migraines and headaches are made available for practical use. Brain activity is stabilized to prevent migraine attacks so that sudden disturbances cannot have an impact. Sudden, unforeseen changes, ups and downs, lead to disruptions in brain activity and trigger a migraine attack. On the other hand, relaxation and a regular daily routine can lead to a synchronization of brain activity and thus contribute to a lower susceptibility to disruption. This relaxation medium uses professional technology to convey multimedia visual and auditory images via deep suggestion. These provide the central rules for rhythmizing the daily routine and preventing sudden disruptions. The listener is enabled to quickly learn and implement these rules.

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Deep relaxation through active breathing. Stress-free, relaxed and regenerated in 15 minutes. Deep relaxation through active breathing works by systematically tensing and relaxing the respiratory muscles. In addition, relaxing multimedia acoustic and visual suggestions are conveyed digitally and stereophonically. This means that you feel pleasantly relaxed after listening to it. With practice, most users are able to actively relax in a variety of situations. It is not only important that you can relax, but that the control processes in the brain can also be harmonized. Relaxation training can also lead to a more stress-free, satisfying and balanced daily routine.

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Imagination therapy. Visualization for acute therapy of migraines, tension headaches and back pain. Imagination therapy is the pictorial representation of events in the mind's eye through visualization. The scenes presented can be used to make direct, active changes in the body. Through the vivid imagination of images, activities can be generated in the central nervous system and processes can be directly influenced. The visualizations have been specifically developed to actively change the disruptive processes in migraines, tension-type headaches and back pain. They are based on current research results. For each of these three disorders, special visualizations for listening and relaxation are included.

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