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TK Headache Coach
When pain comes, people often quickly turn to the pill - two out of three adults are familiar with this: They suffer from temporary headaches and don't know what else they could do to alleviate the suffering. With the headache Coach for the Techniker Krankenkasse is there help for migraines.
Together with the Techniker Krankenkasse, Prof. Dr. Hartmut Göbel from Kiel developed a counseling program for migraine patients. The so-called headache coach is based heavily on the patient's own observation and self-knowledge. His goal: Anyone who is able to recognize the signs and control their behavior accordingly can mitigate or even prevent their next migraine attack. In this case, the doctor becomes a consultant and coach and separates himself to some extent from his role as a pure prescriber of medicines or referrals. And the patient learns that he must take responsibility for his own health and can no longer hand it over to the doctor. Source and more information can be found here
To take part in the TK-Headache Coach you need a doctor's prescription in the form of an access code. You will receive this code from your doctor. If in doubt, contact the TK Service Team so that your doctor can receive an access code for you.
Doctors who are not yet familiar with the TK-Headache Coach can find out more about the offer via a test access.
TK Headache Coach
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