Our live webcam
Current local time in Kiel:
You see a view from the Kiel pain clinic over the Schwentine estuary to the Kiel Fjord and the backdrop of the state capital Kiel. It may take approximately 10 seconds to update the image. In the southwest you can see the mouth of the Schwentine. In the foreground are the jetties PTSK. You can see this on the opposite bank of the Schwentine IfM Geomar and the naval arsenal. In the background are the Kiel Fjord Institute for World Economy and the Schleswig-Holstein State Parliament. The image is updated every minute.
In the picture on the left you can see the webcam on the roof of the Kiel Pain Clinic.
If you want to identify the ships you see, you can follow them directly in the live monitor below.
also find the data and an archive of images from the last 24 hours.
You can also see a slow-motion overview of the day.
Webcam film from today
You can view a film of images from the last 24 hours and from the past below.
Dietrichsdorf: Pain Clinic Kiel – GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel – Kiel
Our wind, our weather
Camera location
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