Headbook Migraine CommunityThe Internet community www.headbook.me enables in-depth networking and exchange of experiences on all topics related to migraines and headaches

In the age of the Internet, active self-help and independent information gathering are becoming increasingly important. Our healthcare system often does not allow patients to receive comprehensive advice from their doctor. There is often not enough time to adequately address all questions and the patient is unsettled and at a loss. This seems to particularly affect chronic pain sufferers. Their need for advice is much higher than that of many other patient groups.

Self-help groups are groups of people that are created on a voluntary basis and have the goal of working together to address their health, social and/or psychological problems. These groups can be real or online support groups. In a real group, you come together at regular intervals to find solutions to the problems at hand, give lectures, invite experts to shed light on the topic and then end the meeting in a relaxed atmosphere.

What is particularly contemporary today are the offers and support of an online self-help group, which can be accessed on the Internet at any time and without any effort. What both forms of self-help have in common is that they are voluntary and non-profit. Migraine sufferers are in the middle of life, have families, jobs, relationships and are active. You are already losing a lot of time due to the seizures. You don't want to waste even more time with regular group appointments. The Internet helps here. It makes knowledge and networking possible at any location and time.

Headbook is a comprehensive self-help community at www.headbook.me

Against this background, the moderated migraine and headache forum Headbook was initiated on www.headbook.me. The high level of acceptance and use with over 20,000 accesses per day shows that this covers a great need for information and exchange and enables widespread use.

Headbook opens up a wide range of options. People who are interested in new options for migraine and headache treatment can present themselves on a profile page, open their own forums about their personal pain history, maintain contact with like-minded people in special topic groups and discuss a wide variety of areas of interest. The subject areas are not just limited to migraines and headaches. All offers are free to use. They supplement the information in the patient guide “Successful against headaches and migraines”.

Headbook opens up modern opportunities for exchanging experiences and knowledge

The options for users are diverse:

  • Keep in touch with other affected people and friends: Headbook informs you when other users update their profiles, post information or write other news.
  • Groups: There are specific topic groups for all special topics. You can become a member of these topic groups and discuss individual aspects in great detail with other like-minded people and friends. Once you have joined a group, you can participate in the discussions in any subforum.
  • Forums: The individual groups are divided into various discussion forums. There you can take part in ongoing group discussions at any time and immediately.
  • Live chat: Live chats with headache experts are offered at fixed times. Current questions will be answered immediately.
  • Photo album: Photos and other documents can be added to the personal headbook profile.
  • Search function: Easy search for all areas of migraine and headache treatment as well as the latest information and experiences.
  • Setting up your own profile page: This is the place to present yourself and publish personal information.
  • Photos: You can personalize the page with current photos, videos and audios. Documents can also be posted.
  • Newsfeeds: Immediately after logging in you will receive information about the latest entries and additions.
  • Responsive design for smart phones and tablets: Users of iPhone, iPad, other smart phones and tablets can also use the network on mobile devices, as the site is optimized for mobile devices.
  • Private Messages: Private messages can be sent and received.
  • Sidebar: The sidebar contains current links about important topics on headache therapy, finding local headache experts, relaxation therapies and much other interesting information.
  • Through Headbook, members can get to know each other before a planned stay in the pain clinic. The community is also suitable for aftercare and the exchange of experiences after the hospital stay.

Headbook represents a modern opportunity to exchange information and deepen knowledge on all topics about migraines and other types of headaches.