The Kiel Pain Clinic specializes in the treatment of chronic neurological pain disorders, such as migraine and headache disorders, pain disorders of the muscles and the musculoskeletal system, pain in diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system and pain in accident damage and nerve injuries. We care for 80 patients on 3 wards. Experts from various medical fields work together to treat patients hand in hand using modern scientific methods. Outpatient and inpatient treatment are closely coordinated. The employees of the Kiel Pain Clinic are specialists from various medical and psychological specialist groups. There are contracts with all health insurance companies. The clinic is included in the hospital plan of the state of Schleswig-Holstein. The treatment concept has won numerous awards. Detailed information can be found at

We are looking for our admissions department from July 1st, 2022

– Businessman/woman – Healthcare
– Tourism
– Office clerk
– MFA/Medical assistant


These are your tasks:
• General office activities
• Telephone service
• Processing correspondence
• Appointment planning
• Clerkship activities such as file maintenance, filing
• etc.

This is what you should bring with you:
• High school diploma or comparable qualification
• Confident use of common MS Office programs
• Organizational talent, structured way of working
• Good knowledge of spoken and written German
• Communication skills

Working hours
– 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m

We offer you:
- Salary based on professional experience
- Additional free private supplementary hospital insurance
- A permanent employment contract
- Full-time or part-time
- Free parking space
- Special Christmas payment
- Individual vacation time arrangement
- Compatibility of work and family
- Individual working time models
- Mentoring program for induction
- Free use of the fitness facilities

Application form

In order for us to consider your application, we need a short CV. send your CV to us later by email to

Click or drag a file into this area to upload.


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