
All information about migraines, headaches, cluster headaches, chronic pain, pain clinic, migraine clinic, headache center

November 1, 2012 November 1, 2012

Migraine affects children's school performance

Migraine affects children's school performance Headaches are the most common and serious health problem among students. This is already proven by previous data from Schleswig-Holstein's schools. Children with migraines are more likely to have difficulties [...]

October 20, 2012 October 20, 2012

Fasting makes you fat and gives you migraines

Why skipping breakfast makes you hungry for high-calorie foods Fasting ultimately leads to excessive coverage of energy requirements, especially in the evening Fasting activates addiction and reward behavior for high-calorie foods in the brain [...]

October 20, 2012 October 20, 2012

Botulinum toxin and drug overuse

The question of whether botulinum toxin can also be used for existing medication overuse headaches (MÜK) leads to confusion. The background and our conclusions from the Kiel Pain Clinic for practice will therefore be explained below. [...]

October 1, 2012 October 1, 2012

ONS for chronic migraines

Occipital nerve stimulation for the treatment of chronic migraine Chronic migraine is a particularly severe form of migraine. Affected patients suffer from severe headaches on more than 15 days per month. The high frequency of headache days [...]

September 1, 2012 September 1, 2012

September 5th Headache Day

September 5, 2012 is International Headache Day. On this occasion, we remind you of the most important rule for medication-based headache treatment, the “10-20 rule”. Taking painkillers too frequently for headaches [...]

August 23, 2012 August 23, 2012

G-BA: Verapamil for cluster headaches

According to a recent resolution by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA), the calcium antagonist verapamil will be able to be prescribed in the future even beyond its approval under statutory health insurance for the indication cluster headache. The Federal Joint Committee has [...]

July 5, 2012 July 5, 2012

Forum meeting of July 27-29, 2012

This year's forum meeting will take place on the last weekend in July 2012. Details can be found in the organization group. Since many participants are already arriving on Friday, July 27, 2012, the meeting begins - as always [...]

June 1, 2012 June 1, 2012

Action day against pain June 5, 2012

As part of the Day of Action against Pain, the German Pain Society eV is calling on clinics and pain therapy facilities on Tuesday, June 5, 2012 to bring the central health issue of pain therapy more to the public. The [...]

May 3, 2012 May 3, 2012

For BKK insured people: coordinated care for migraines and headaches

BKK-insured patients with migraines, headaches and neuralgia can now receive even better medical treatment. The BKK contract working group NORD (BKK-VAG NORD) and the Kiel Pain Clinic have established the contractual basis for coordinated care for [...]

April 19, 2012 April 19, 2012

In Memoriam Professor Dr. med. Dieter Soyka

Prof. Dr. Dieter Soyka died on April 14, 2012 in Kiel at the age of 82. Through his unparalleled work as a neurologist, pain therapist, scientist, teacher and author, his life was a stroke of luck [...]

April 11, 2012 April 11, 2012

New: The headache. 3rd edition 2012

The standard work on headaches, migraines and neuralgia Headaches are the number one widespread disease. Today, there are over 250 different main diagnoses. This work describes comprehensively and unrivaled on the German market the classification and diagnostics of all [...]

April 11, 2012 April 11, 2012

Migraine 2012: New release

by Prof. Dr. Hartmut Göbel new publication April 2012, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Hammering, throbbing and knocking in the head. Every movement increases the torment. Migraine is one of the most important widespread diseases worldwide. It causes severe disability, severe limitation of [...]

February 22, 2012 February 22, 2012

Successful against migraines – The new 6th edition

Prof. Dr. Hartmut Göbel informs you in the new, fully updated 6th edition 2012 about forms and causes Modern diagnostic options Behavioral strategies for prevention Modern medications Alternative treatment methods Compiled for you: All current therapies Addresses of [...]

January 3, 2012 January 3, 2012

Non-aspirin painkillers may increase risk of miscarriage

Acetylsalicylic acid must not be taken during the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy unless absolutely necessary. The reason for this is the increased risk of miscarriages and malformations. New studies now show that [...]

December 4, 2011 December 4, 2011

GenoFutura Award 2011

(Gießen, November 24, 2011) On the occasion of the 2nd congress “Municipal Cooperation - Regional Future Management” on November 24, 2011 in Giessen, the integrated headache treatment concept including the regional and nationwide headache treatment network of the Kiel Pain Clinic was awarded the GenoFutura Award 2011. [...]

November 25, 2011 November 25, 2011

Paroxysmal hemicrania and SUNCT syndrome

Paroxysmal hemicrania is manifested by headache attacks with the same pain characteristics and accompanying symptoms as cluster headaches. However, the attacks last for a shorter period of time, occur much more frequently, predominantly affect women and are absolutely reliable [...]

September 28, 2011 September 28, 2011

Chronic migraine: diagnosis and development

When the International Headache Society published the first edition of the International Headache Classification (ICHD-I) in 1988, there was no mention of chronic migraine among the 165 diagnoses listed. The migraine [...]